Acknowledging the Core Research Facility:
- The CRF at the HUJI Faculty of Medicine has limited funds for acquiring the most recent technologies. It is important that the use of our facility will be properly acknowledged in your publications, grant applications and seminars. Acknowledgement not only helps us to determine the impact that we have contributed to our research community, it also helps enormously in our future effort to procure funding and support to bring you the newest technologies, instruments and services.
- We respectfully stimulate you to acknowledge the Research Core Facility in your publications, seminars, posters etc. We also encourage personal acknowledgment if any of our facility staff member has made a significant intellectual contribution to your experimental design, data acquisition, or data analysis. Acknowledgment at the authorship-level would be strongly appreciated when extensive collaborative efforts are involved. Take in account that core facility personnel are scientists. When they make a substantial intellectual and/or experimental contribution to a publication, they deserve to be acknowledged just as any other co-author.
Reporting Publications
Please email us a soft copy of your publication that contains data generated in our facility to:
Format for the general acknowledgment:
Please acknowledge us as "The Core Research Facility (CRF) at The Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem". Acknowledge also the institutions or personal donors that have supported the funding of the equipment used in your investigation.
Format for personal acknowledgment:
Thanks to Name FamilyName at the CRF Lab (Genomics, Flow cytometry, Microscopy etc..) of "The Core Research Facility (CRF) at The Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem".