BD LSR Fortessa


The BD LSRFortessa analyzer delivers high-performance multicolor analysis and is configured with 5 lasers; UV 355, Violet 405, Blue 488, Yellow-Green 561 and Red 640.

The instrument can accommodate the detection of up to 18 colors simultaneously with a defined set of optical filters that meet or exceed the majority of today’s assay requirements. The BD LSRFortessa is an innovative and proven platform for multicolor analysis.

The instrument is available for trained users in a self-operated mode. Untrained users must contact core personnel to schedule hands-on training.


Acquisition is performed with BD FACSDiva™ software and FCS files can be exported after acquisition. Data analysis can be done with any third party analysis software. We have working stations with FlowJo and FCS-express software. We gladly train users to perform independent analysis and can assist with data translation.

NEW- High Throughput System loader (HTS) allowing the acquisition of data from 96 or 384 well plates.

 Useful link:  BD Spectrum viewer






LSR Fortessa
