Electron Microscopy Equipment

We provide professional advice in design the EM part of experiments and also train students and scientists for independent use of part of equipment. The facilities are run by two staff members, and include scanning electron microscopy (SEM),  and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).


tem      SEM    Gemini 560


Electron Microscopy Services


The Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) laboratory provides services, equipment, expertise and support for researchers in the life sciences, material sciences, medicine and nanotechnology.

The services include:

  • Preparation of the biological samples for viewing: fixation, processing, staining, viewing and documenting the results
  • Immuno-electron microscopy using pre- and post- embedding technics
  • Negative staining
  • Processing and sectioning non-biological materials (for researchers from the chemistry and physics fields)



Electron Microscopy Staff